I’m not even kidding. So much of this meal plan was created like this:
Me: *frowns at notebook, tries to drink more coffee to jog mind, contemplates giving up and moving to a desert island with a good long book*
Child or Husband: “Hey! Are you doing the meal plan? Can we have ________?”
No complaints and no glorifying busy, but the simple fact is that there is only so much space in a parent’s brain during the end-of-school-year rush. It’s physics.
Fortunately, last month I had the wisdom to start involving the boys in the meal planning process, and they not only agreed — they actually LIKED it. L. has even requested that we jump right into having them cook the meals they’ve chosen, a request which I plan to honor as soon as my head clears and I feel up to the task of supervising their knife skills and keeping them from setting themselves or the kitchen on fire. So July, probably.
At any rate, they were more than happy to tell me what I should make in June, and Loving Husband J. even contributed a few ideas (he usually just shrugs and says “I like everything you make,” which is equal parts endearing and maddening when I really want input). So pretty much, this month is largely about me following their lead, and I’m surprisingly okay with that.
Wednesday, 6/1: I’m at the Healthy Food Fuels Hungry Minds Conference on behalf of The Family Dinner Project. In-laws are handling dinner. And there was much rejoicing.
Thursday, 6/2: Citrus Grilled Chicken, cous cous and vegetables
Friday, 6/3: P. has a friend coming for dinner, who is a vegetarian. P.’s Choice — Make-your-own pasta bar with veggies and sauces
Saturday, 6/4: The family will be off in multiple different directions for this train wreck of a day, which includes J. and P. at a family party while I help wrangle L. for his final ballet performance of the year (requiring 10 hours at the theatre for him, with multiple parent check-ins, 2 performances clocking in at over 2 hours each, costume changes, and a cold bagged dinner at 4 p.m., which means he’ll be starving and moody at 9:30 pm. when he finally gets home). For L.’s bagged dinner: Tuna noodle salad with yogurt dressing, sliced oranges, a tossed salad and coconut milk. For 9:30 p.m. Thank-God-it’s-Over reinforcements: We’re ordering a pizza and sprawling out on the living room floor. Yep.
Sunday, 6/5: L.’s Choice — Grilled steak, yellow rice and farmer’s market vegetables
Monday, 6/6: Turkey taco burgers and corn
Tuesday, 6/7: I’ve got a potluck thing to attend, to which I’m bringing a cold pasta salad dish. The guys can eat the same at home.
Wednesday, 6/8: J.’s Choice — Pasta Poulet and salad
Thursday, 6/9: J.’s Choice — Spicy sauteed shrimp and quesadillas
Friday, 6/10: P.’s Choice –– Grilled chicken and vegetables
Saturday, 6/11: Fresh seafood from the farmer’s market
Sunday, 6/12: L.’s Choice — Schnitzel, egg noodles and pickled cabbage
Monday, 6/13: Fried Rice
Tuesday, 6/14: J.’s Choice — Chicken and Steak Fajitas
Wednesday, 6/15: J.’s Choice — Roasted veggie burgers and salad
Thursday, 6/16: J.’s Choice — Cobb casserole and garlic bread
Friday, 6/17: P.’s got a final performance for his acting class, after which we’re grabbing dinner at his favorite neighborhood cafe
Saturday, 6/18: Farmer’s Market Sausage and pepper burgers, salad
Sunday, 6/19: Father’s Day — Lobster bake
Monday, 6/20: Potato Pancakes with eggs and sauteed vegetables
Tuesday, 6/21: J.’s Choice — Pasta with fresh tomatoes and basil
Wednesday, 6/22: J.’s Choice — Turkey chili
Thursday, 6/23-Saturday, 6/25: Hanging out with family, so I’m not planning anything
Sunday, 6/26: Summer Chicken Parmigiana and salad
Monday, 6/27: Cold peanut noodles with vegetables
Tuesday, 6/28: L.’s Choice — Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and fries
Wednesday, 6/29: Cheeseburger pizza
Thursday, 6/30: Pork or lamb kebabs with rice
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