Tag: kids’ health

We’re about 2 weeks into a new year, so naturally, everybody on the internet is “fixing” or “rebooting” or “detoxing” something. If you’re loving your “fix” or your “reboot,” if you are thriving and feel that your life has been

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My boys are what you’d probably call “good eaters.” They not only have hearty appetites, but they’re relatively adventurous and willing to eat what’s served to them (mostly). I often get frustrated with their particular habits (“Why is P. such

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I’ve never paid close attention to the cafeteria-related notices at the boys’ school. Both of my kids bring their lunches every day, and that’s the way they like it. Lunch menus come home faithfully each week, only to be chucked

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In my experience, birthday parties are sort of like Legos. You think you’ll be able to control them, contain them, buck the trend and keep things modest. And then at some point you find yourself ankle-deep in tiny plastic pieces

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