Ordinarily I try to get my year-in-review lunch post done a bit closer to New Year’s Day, but hey…I’m giving myself some grace this year. Plus, I don’t know whose idea it was to start this cute thing where instead

With a dinner plan that doesn’t necessarily lend itself effortlessly to quick packing of leftovers for school lunches, this week is more about reinvention of ingredients than we’ve done recently. To come up with the lunch menus, I had to

We’re about 2 weeks into a new year, so naturally, everybody on the internet is “fixing” or “rebooting” or “detoxing” something. If you’re loving your “fix” or your “reboot,” if you are thriving and feel that your life has been

Now that the kids are old enough to give their input for the monthly meal plan, the question “What do you want for dinner?” is inevitably answered this way by at least one of them: “Burgers!” Yeah, my boys are

I’m not even kidding. So much of this meal plan was created like this: Me: *frowns at notebook, tries to drink more coffee to jog mind, contemplates giving up and moving to a desert island with a good long book*

It’s almost over! The end of the school year is upon us — some of my readers’ kids have less than a week to go, while my own kids are still going to be going on end of year field

You may have noticed that there’s been sort of a theme running on RRG lately: the boys are growing older. We’re having to expand everyone’s horizons and ways of doing things. We’re figuring out where to give them more independence,

My boys are what you’d probably call “good eaters.” They not only have hearty appetites, but they’re relatively adventurous and willing to eat what’s served to them (mostly). I often get frustrated with their particular habits (“Why is P. such

I’ve never paid close attention to the cafeteria-related notices at the boys’ school. Both of my kids bring their lunches every day, and that’s the way they like it. Lunch menus come home faithfully each week, only to be chucked