It’s that time again! The New Year always means a look back at the best lunches I packed during the previous trip around the sun. As always, I have used a highly scientific (read: totally not at all scientific) methodology

I just looked at the calendar and realized that my kids go back to school in just a little over 4 weeks. FOUR WEEKS? How did that happen? I feel like summer just got started. But it’s already time to

Ordinarily I try to get my year-in-review lunch post done a bit closer to New Year’s Day, but hey…I’m giving myself some grace this year. Plus, I don’t know whose idea it was to start this cute thing where instead

With a dinner plan that doesn’t necessarily lend itself effortlessly to quick packing of leftovers for school lunches, this week is more about reinvention of ingredients than we’ve done recently. To come up with the lunch menus, I had to

The Columbus Day holiday means that this week’s lunch menu only includes four days’ worth of meals. The extra day off also means that I’ll have additional prep time, but because the menus are exclusively based around leftovers, I won’t

This week’s plan requires a little more prep than we’ve been doing, but is still pretty intuitive — I’ll just take foods that we’re already working with, and reinvent them purposefully for lunchtime. Weekend Prep: I’ll roast three chickens on

This week, we’re not relying much on the lunch pantry at all. Kid favorite dinners that lend themselves well to lunchbox reinvention are going to make life pretty easy. The biggest thing to think about is ensuring that I cook

This week’s school lunches are what I call easy-peasy. There’s going to be minimal prep involved, and heavy reliance on simple, kid-friendly menu choices that will all but guarantee the boxes come home empty. As always, you can change things

I’ve been packing school lunches for so long now that it’s really second nature to me. I know this is a skill that many people struggle with, but I’ve got a system that works well in our household, combining a