I’m back. Or at least, I’m here for now? If the past year and a half have shown us anything, it’s that we can’t really predict what will happen. I’ve let this blog go for all that time while we’ve

Proving yet again that I am no rookie mom and meal planner, our schedule has gotten significantly busier for the month of October than it was last month — which I basically predicted was going to happen, because hey, it’s

June is such a weird month. May ends with Memorial Day weekend, and everybody’s suddenly in summer mode. But in New England, summer vacation is still weeks away (and, as my super-pedantic 10-year-old son pointed out, ACTUAL summer isn’t until

Thanksgiving 2017 was the last time I ever spoke to my mother. She unexpectedly went into the hospital a few days before the holiday, and she never came home. Sorry to start a meal plan with such a downer, but

The Columbus Day holiday means that this week’s lunch menu only includes four days’ worth of meals. The extra day off also means that I’ll have additional prep time, but because the menus are exclusively based around leftovers, I won’t

At the start of a new school year, everything is different, but very much the same. We’re facing another September full of possibilities. What will the year bring? What opportunities will fall into place, what activities will the boys explore,

I don’t buy sugary yogurt. I don’t buy flavored yogurt. I don’t really “do” yogurt cups. All of these statements were pretty much true until VERY recently….and here’s why. The backstory is this: While I definitely grew up on —

Lessons my 9-year-old learned after a week of college dining hall meals L. has a stomachache. He also has a headache. He’s lethargic and, not to get too personal or anything, he can’t really recall the last time he, er,

You may have noticed that there’s been sort of a theme running on RRG lately: the boys are growing older. We’re having to expand everyone’s horizons and ways of doing things. We’re figuring out where to give them more independence,