Oh, sure, I’m super organized. I meal plan a month at a time, and since I carry my spiral notebook everywhere I go (and spend lots of time waiting around for kids to finish up activities), I generally have a

Thanksgiving 2017 was the last time I ever spoke to my mother. She unexpectedly went into the hospital a few days before the holiday, and she never came home. Sorry to start a meal plan with such a downer, but

Thanksgiving is four days away and I just spent fifteen minutes hacking my turkey in half. I promise I have not gone completely mad. (OK, maybe I can’t confidently promise that, but if I have, the turkey has nothing to

This month, even more than in past years, I’ve got to stay one step ahead of myself. Or more. Because the next few weeks are…well, yikes. I’ve got a big concert to sing with my choral group, an unexpected business

It wasn’t turkey. It wasn’t stuffing. It had nothing to do with mashed potatoes or squash. But this is definitely the best meal I’ve made in a long time using Thanksgiving leftovers — and it was just a humble work-at-home

…You fill in the blank! 🙂 So it’s November, obviously, and I’m late posting this, obviously, and I basically never post anymore. Obviously. Sorry about that. I’m super, super trying to get better about that, really I am. Anyway, this

As my 8-year-old son L. would say, “I cannot…not…NOT…believe” that it is November already. There is something so special about this time of year. I know that sounds trite and a bit like I’m stating the obvious, but really –
In the past two installments of our Thanksgiving Edition, I’ve neglected to do one very important thing. I’ve neglected, entirely, to share any vegetables with you (unless you count the sweet potato soup — but that’s not really what I
Welcome back to Thanksgiving week on Red, Round, or Green! On Monday night I shared two new easy recipes that are still impressive enough to kick off your Thanksgiving meal. Tonight, it’s cold and blustery out and the first snow