Oh, sure, I’m super organized. I meal plan a month at a time, and since I carry my spiral notebook everywhere I go (and spend lots of time waiting around for kids to finish up activities), I generally have a
Recently, I had a complete privileged-white-lady moment when my beloved local Whole Foods delivery team stopped their grocery delivery service. (I KNOW, RIGHT? ADULTING IS HAAAARRRRD.) Yes, I know it’s whiny and self-indulgent to be brokenhearted about not getting your
The other day, I got up an hour earlier than usual to make sure that I was appropriately dressed (when you work from home, “appropriately dressed” is a thing you have to sometimes think carefully about, usually on those occasions
I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t like at least the idea of baking their own breads at home. Some of us are more accomplished bakers than others; some are avowed bread-machine users, while others (like myself) are hard-core
WHY DIDN’T SOMEBODY SAY SOMETHING? Jeez! I finally posted the secret to sourdough starter this summer, and then…I swear I thought I’d posted this follow-up. But I hadn’t. And I realized it today, because I went looking for this post
Brace yourselves. I’m about to advocate for sugar. I know, I know — haven’t I read the research that says it’s toxic? That we’re poisoning our children? Haven’t I read about how even kids who eat “healthy” diets are consuming
This post is either loooong overdue, or exactly on time. People have been asking me for a couple of years now if I would share some wisdom about making homemade sourdough breads and doughs. I can’t honestly remember when I
We’ve completed our December pantry challenge! If you’re just getting up to speed, the quick recap of the concept is that each year, J. and I try to offset the costs of holiday shopping and baking by eating exclusively from
Cupcakes? For Easter? Have I lost my mind? I know. We’re all in the midst of some sort of moral dilemma at this time of year — much like Halloween, and Valentine’s Day, and all the other holidays and special