WHY DIDN’T SOMEBODY SAY SOMETHING? Jeez! I finally posted the secret to sourdough starter this summer, and then…I swear I thought I’d posted this follow-up. But I hadn’t. And I realized it today, because I went looking for this post

This is a great freezer item — just pour the cooled teriyaki sauce over boneless chicken breasts or thighs and freeze in a zip-top bag. They’ll be ready to toss on the grill or into a saute pan as soon

July! Just when I was finally getting the hang of June…. The school year went incredibly fast. Too fast. I don’t know if it’s because it was my first year of freelancing (which is going MARVELOUSLY well, thanks so much

How arrogant of me, to call this pork “perfect.” How dare I be so bold? So smug? Few things in life are actually perfect, it’s true, and in all likelihood, this pork is no more perfect than I am –

I’ve been asking a lot of the same rhetorical question lately: “What is WRONG with me?” Why did I think it would be a good idea to take a position on the production team for Listen To Your Mother Providence,

Happy Spring! Or maybe not. Spring in the Northeast is and always has been a fickle beast, but I’m not sure I remember too many other Marches that went out with as much “lion” still roaring as this one. Just

Okay, I admit it. Things have been really boring around here lately. If you’re a reader of mine, you’re probably not reading anymore, because there’s been nothing TO read. Yes. I’m hibernating. I’ve been taking a blogging break. It wasn’t

I usually have some insights or observations to offer in preface to my meal plans. Even if it’s just a little reflection on the season, an anticipatory commentary on ingredients that are about to become available, or a half-hearted lament

As my 8-year-old son L. would say, “I cannot…not…NOT…believe” that it is November already. There is something so special about this time of year. I know that sounds trite and a bit like I’m stating the obvious, but really –