Oh, sure, I’m super organized. I meal plan a month at a time, and since I carry my spiral notebook everywhere I go (and spend lots of time waiting around for kids to finish up activities), I generally have a

Life is change. It may not always feel like it — sometimes, things get monotonous, and you might think “nothing ever changes around here.” You might feel stuck, even. But the truth is, things are ALWAYS changing around us, and

It’s here! It’s finally here! After one of the longest, most dramatic winters in recent memory (seriously, April? Nor’easters?), we have finally achieved something that sort of resembles Spring. There’s verifiable sunshine, temperatures have stayed warm enough for a long

Five days into October (sorry for the delay) and already, the freezer meals I started putting by in August and September are SAVING MY BUTT. Sidebar for a second here: It feels weirdly cool to sit in a meeting where

Yeah, I know, it’s already well into July, so what am I doing posting the meal plan NOW? Well, I’ve been away for a bit. I had a business trip to tackle, two boys to ferry to my parents’ house

Recently, I had a complete privileged-white-lady moment when my beloved local Whole Foods delivery team stopped their grocery delivery service. (I KNOW, RIGHT? ADULTING IS HAAAARRRRD.) Yes, I know it’s whiny and self-indulgent to be brokenhearted about not getting your

The other day, I got up an hour earlier than usual to make sure that I was appropriately dressed (when you work from home, “appropriately dressed” is a thing you have to sometimes think carefully about, usually on those occasions

I’m not even kidding. So much of this meal plan was created like this: Me: *frowns at notebook, tries to drink more coffee to jog mind, contemplates giving up and moving to a desert island with a good long book*

You may have noticed that there’s been sort of a theme running on RRG lately: the boys are growing older. We’re having to expand everyone’s horizons and ways of doing things. We’re figuring out where to give them more independence,