I’m back. Or at least, I’m here for now? If the past year and a half have shown us anything, it’s that we can’t really predict what will happen. I’ve let this blog go for all that time while we’ve

Oh, sure, I’m super organized. I meal plan a month at a time, and since I carry my spiral notebook everywhere I go (and spend lots of time waiting around for kids to finish up activities), I generally have a

Proving yet again that I am no rookie mom and meal planner, our schedule has gotten significantly busier for the month of October than it was last month — which I basically predicted was going to happen, because hey, it’s

Life is change. It may not always feel like it — sometimes, things get monotonous, and you might think “nothing ever changes around here.” You might feel stuck, even. But the truth is, things are ALWAYS changing around us, and

June is such a weird month. May ends with Memorial Day weekend, and everybody’s suddenly in summer mode. But in New England, summer vacation is still weeks away (and, as my super-pedantic 10-year-old son pointed out, ACTUAL summer isn’t until

I’ve been thinking about some changes we’ve made lately to the way we plan, shop and eat, and I think the whole thing can best be summed up as discipline. I mentioned not long ago that I was making a

A few weeks ago, we invited friends over for dinner. We hadn’t seen them in quite some time and looked forward to catching up. They happen to be vegetarians, so I made a big spread of fancy meatless goodies: Roasted

As I write this, the Christmas tree is still twinkling, the candles are lit, and we still have a kitchen full of leftover cookies, blocks of cheese and boxes of crackers to remind us that the holidays are freshly passed.

The Christmas season has a tendency to stay the same year to year, and yet change radically. Things that stay the same: There will never be enough time to do all the things we want to do. Gift giving will