…You fill in the blank! 🙂 So it’s November, obviously, and I’m late posting this, obviously, and I basically never post anymore. Obviously. Sorry about that. I’m super, super trying to get better about that, really I am. Anyway, this
If you’ve hung around this blog for any length of time, you may know that about a year and a half ago (gosh, that long??? Really???), our family had to undertake a serious gluten-and-dairy-free challenge as part of evaluating L.’s
After I wrote this year’s Halloween mantras — “The Post About the Treats” — I got a pretty nice response from several people who said that the philosophy J. and I adhere to these days, as far as all that
Every year around this time, as people’s thoughts turn to Halloween, I see a lot of questions floating around the internet. What should we do about the candy? Do we let our kids have candy? Why can’t Halloween be done
I can’t help but snicker a little bit as I peruse the Facebook and Twitter feeds today; you’d think, from all the dire warnings and “emergency updates,” that the Northeast was expecting an apocalyptic hail of fire and brimstone instead
What’s this? Thanksgiving cookies? No, no, no. Thanksgiving isn’t about cookies, you say. It’s about pies. And lots of ’em. I agree. Thanksgiving, in strictly traditional, American terms, is dedicated to the pursuit of turkey, stuffing, and as many varieties
You probably realize, if you read this blog regularly, that I am a big fan of my Sunday Roast Chicken. In fact, my respect for this particular menu item is at the level of Why-Don’t-You-Just-Kiss-It-And-Marry-It-Already. I already make sure it
I was going to write about something totally different today, but when I went to moderate the Comments board this morning there was an excellent question from reader Nina that got my wheels turning in a whole different direction. Nina
I must confess: I screwed up with the lunch thing this week. Truly, monumentally screwed it up. It’s not that I screwed up in the sense that my kids haven’t had decent lunches. They’ve been okay. But I screwed up
After a brief hiatus from the topic of “how others perceive the way the Red, Round or Green family eats,” I’m back on track today. I said I’d talk at some point about how people outside of our extended families