The calendar tells me it’s that time again: Time to round up the year with something, before we get to the January meal plan and march boldly ahead into 2016. Last year, I did a roundup of the 14 best
We’re back! I took some time off from Lunch Logic, as I’m sure many of you noticed. Over the summer, a lunch-packing feature doesn’t make as much sense as it does during the school year, so once June was done
After I wrote this year’s Halloween mantras — “The Post About the Treats” — I got a pretty nice response from several people who said that the philosophy J. and I adhere to these days, as far as all that
I can’t believe we’re done. After six weeks of sharing lunchbox recipes with you, six at a time, I’ve reached the end of the series. I’m not going to lie — it’s been tons of fun, and I’ve enjoyed it,
Here in RI, we’re just starting the third (well, okay, sort second-and-a-half?) week of school. I’ve heard from readers whose kids have been back well over a month, people whose kids are just getting started, and everyone in between. As
It’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through my six-week series on lunch packing. So far, I’ve shared eighteen new lunch ideas with you: six each in the Easy Bites, Mini-Meals, and Stuff in Other Stuff categories. Hopefully, as
I’m a bundle of nerves. Tomorrow morning, L. and I are going to his brand-new school for a half-day orientation. It’s the start of kindergarten. It’s a BIG DEAL. I know what he’s wearing – his school will require a
Welcome to Week Two of our Menu Mondays Lunchbox series! By now, if your kids are not actually back at school yet, the day must be drawing very, very near. I know L.’s practically too excited to sleep these days,