Every year. Every single year. It happens every darned year, and you’d think I’d know by now not to expect that it’ll get better, but I can’t help it. I’m an optimist. I keep thinking that THIS year will be different. This year, by golly, we’ll get some back-to-school lunch segments in the mainstream media that don’t make me feel like every parent in America is a functional food illiterate who needs to be talked down to in order to pack lunches for their kids.
This is a lunchbox! And THIS is a sandwich! And did you know there’s something called fruit, too? Fruit is a wonderful thing for children, AND you can pack it in a lunchbox!
Cue appreciative oohs and aahs from the audience.
Sorry for the snark, everyone, but on Friday I happened to catch an episode of The “Today” Show, on which a supposed lunchbox expert (I think she was a chef and mom) was offering her best super-creative, super-healthy lunch ideas for back-to school. And the segment, in all of its maybe 3 minutes on the air, made me crazy enough to take to the RRG Facebook page and rant about it. But the rant wasn’t REALLY about this particular lunchbox segment, if I’m honest. It was more about ALL the lunchbox segments. All the ones that show up every year, online, in parenting magazines, and on TV. All the ones that follow the same general formula:
Step One. Make some inane pseudo-scientific commentary about something that you appear to think “most parents” are concerned about, but which in fact is far from top-of-mind for “most parents.” Examples: Temperature of lunchbox food vs. salmonella risk, or, in the case of this “Today” segment, optimal caloric intake for a grade-school child’s lunchbox. (I know. I can’t even.) Cite some sort of expert or data point so you sound really official. That will be sure to worry the parents who are watching.
Step Two. Refer — several times, preferably — to the known pickiness of child eaters, and how children “don’t,” “won’t,” or “can’t” eat various perfectly normal healthy foods. Make sure you laugh about how appalling it would be to try to give kids something more creative than carrot sticks or a banana. Bonus points if you, like the “Today” contributor last week, try to rectify this by whipping up a kale smoothie that looks like ectoplasm, and then fail miserably on national television when you try to get one of the adorable kid testers to taste the thing, and she proudly and loudly refuses. Because, hey, you’ve just SAID that kids don’t like stuff, and then you presented the “stuff” in as repulsive-looking a form as possible. Well played.
Step Three. Make sure, for the love of all that is holy, to trot out the TURKEY SANDWICH. As we know, the turkey sandwich is the only healthy lunchbox item children will eat. But obviously, you have to make it “creative” for the masses, so you need to either A) Use a cookie cutter to make it look like a dinosaur-fairy-astronaut; B) Roll it up in a tortilla to make pinwheels; or C) Desperately shove a few shreds of carrot, lettuce, or cucumber into it and use it as a “talking point” for how kids need a serving of vegetables at lunch and will never notice if you just mash some bunny chow in between the turkey and cheese.
Step Four. Help parents get out of their “healthy snack rut” by presenting them with a fun option that’s neither particularly healthy, nor a snack (discuss). You may, for example, distract them with something like a banana (ooh! fruit! healthy!), then smother it in marshmallows and chocolate to make it palatable for the children (refer to Step Two). Clearly the addition of marshmallows and chocolate doesn’t make it a dessert. No, that’s just window dressing so the little dears can choke down the horrible fruit you’re trying to force upon them.
Step Five. This is optional, but highly recommended if you want to achieve lunch-packing expert stardom: Use lots of peanut butter and nut products in your segment, without ONCE mentioning the words “allergy,” “anaphylaxis,” or “nut-free schools,” and CERTAINLY without daring to bring up perfectly agreeable safe substitutions like sunbutter and pumpkin seeds. Just assume that every school allows nuts and every kid can eat peanut butter, ‘kay? What could go wrong?
But seriously. Is there anything wrong with packing a turkey sandwich filled with shredded vegetables for your kid’s school lunch? Not at all. I’ve done it myself. And if we’re being honest here — which we always are — that type of lunch would be a huge improvement from the overly processed Lunchables and Capri Suns many kids take to school routinely. So my qualms are not necessarily about the turkey sandwich (though really, every year I wait for the deluge of “creative” turkey sandwich take-offs to come, and I’m never disappointed). My qualms are more about the way it all just seems so dumbed-down. And so patronizing — both to parents AND to children. And the way that it feeds all the lousy cultural stereotypes we Americans seem to hold dear about “kid food” for kids.
Sure, there’s a segment of the population for whom the banana with chocolate and the carrots in the turkey sandwich are a downright revelation, and a step up — after all, the “Today” Show is smart. They know there are people who love that sort of lunchbox tutorial. But here’s what’s kind of dangerous about it, I think: It’s the spreading of a particular message, a particular way of thinking — heck, practically a parent GOSPEL — on a platform that has the opportunity to do much better for its wide and captive audience.
But can’t people get their lunchbox wisdom elsewhere, if they don’t like the endless turkey-sandwich parade? Certainly they could. After all, we live in the Internet Age. Nobody listens to just one source anymore, not with so much information available out there. Except…
Has anyone else noticed that with so much noise around, it can be easier to just pick a select few sources, whether internet, radio, or TV? That too much information is, in fact, too much, and that if a source you might see as trustworthy is talking about the topic that’s on your mind, you might just be willing to listen to their coverage and not go beyond that? Yeah. That’s human nature.
So in fact, when the “Today” Show or any other major media outlet chooses their lunch packing “experts,” and they choose the people who will carry the same messages forward year after year — Kids are picky, parents are too busy to make good lunches, and turkey sandwiches are the fount from which all life-giving goodness flows — guess what message gets heard and carried loud and clear, year after year? Major media outlets like “Today” have a tendency to go with the popular, status-quo message; they don’t want to challenge parents’ thinking on lunch-packing, so they actually reinforce it, while disguising that reinforcement as “expert advice.” So people walk away from a trusted source of information feeling calmly reassured in their beliefs that they are under no obligation to offer new, interesting, and even occasionally semi-challenging items to their kids, and that the solution to life’s problems is to dip them in chocolate and marshmallows.
Just once, I’d love to see the mainstream media, in its prime programming hours, trot out some new messaging on this subject. Challenge us to do better. Tell us that a turkey sandwich and some carrots are not the only solution to healthy lunches, and that a lunchbox full of interesting colors, textures, and flavors is far more important for our kids’ long-term health and development than counting the calories in that lunch. I’d love to see a mainstream media outlet take up the challenge of looking America’s parents in the eye and telling them that while we’re on the subject of that turkey sandwich, you’re not doing your kids any favors if the turkey is that slimy, preservative-filled pressmeat most of us remember from childhood, and that Kraft singles aren’t labeled “cheese” for a reason. That Go-gurt isn’t the devil, but it is dessert. And that if you have to hide a couple of shreds of vegetables in a sandwich and dip your kids’ fruit in chocolate, you may be either creating or reinforcing a major problem that will not just magically go away when those kids become teenagers, because there’s no magic age at which people decide all on their own to start eating the healthy, unadulterated foods they were never exposed to before. Raising great eaters with lifelong healthy habits is a continual process and it’s not always a matter of steady forward progress, but it IS a matter of steady and concerted effort.
I know, I know. I’ll have to wait a long time to see that sort of segment in the mainstream media. But at least I have this to cling to: When you know better, you do better. And we all know better. So let’s go out there and continue to provide a strong example to others, and support to one another. It’s the only way these lunchbox segments will ever change.
I think that the cookie cutters should be in the shape of snow flakes because all kids are special snow flakes. Also, you sound like a Cubs fan- this is THE year!
*snort* Maybe angels! Because they’re all precious, perfect angels! Especially ours, right, honey? Right? *crickets*
Awesome rant and this was my favorite line: “Raising great eaters with lifelong healthy habits is a continual process and it’s not always a matter of steady forward progress, but it IS a matter of steady and concerted effort.”
I am doing my best to spread the message through my own lunch-bucket at work; hoping that it will filter to the parents of the kiddos. When I have extra, I try to pack a giveaway bucket for a friend or co-worker.
Though a lifelong real food consumer, I’ve been so inspired by the color, variety and portion sizes of the lunches you pack! Lunch has become more of an *event* to relish due to pretty arrangements. Also,’hearing, “That looks delicious!” more and more frequently from by-standers, thanks to modeling my lunch after yours.
So, the Today shows of the world may not have caught-on yet they will-do after there is a visible groundswell of real-food lunches, as you eloquently explained — the part about reinforcing the parents’ beliefs and disguising it as “expert” advice. I call it leading from the trenches. We simply have to keep doing what we do!
Thank you for all the yummy pictures and boundless enthusiasm for deliciousness!
What a sweet and wonderful comment! I especially love that you have packed extras to share — that’s a generous and lovely thing to do!!! I agree about leading by example. We can all do that, even when we feel that we have few tools at our disposal to make change!
Thanks for reading and commenting!!!
Great post!
I visited my child’s pre-school last year and I was pleasantly surprised at the lunches everyone brought. I was also a little surprised to see all the kids chowing down and eating all of their lunch. I am hoping this year, a year older the quality won’t decline.
I think that’s amazing! And it’s likely that the quality will stay high — it has more to do with parent engagement than age, after all. If the school is predominantly filled with parents who care about quality lunches, there will be a majority of quality lunches regardless of age.
I know this is a little bit off subject, but I don’t know how teachers handle it. Every single time I drop off my child, there are cookies or cake or some other junk in the teacher’s break/copy room. It’s like every day is someone’s birthday.
Agreed! I think that’s par for the course in many office environments, though. It DOES seem to be more prevalent at schools; I think if I were a teacher I’d have to have enormous willpower!
Not sure I agree with either that kids need a “lunchbox full of interesting colors, textures, and flavors “. What’s wrong with shoving some healthy food (last night casserole etc) into a container add a not cut up apple and send it off. Shouldn’t eating be about nutrition and perhaps socialization and not necessarily entertainment. If you make it too difficult parents will give up. Of course this is exactly what I do for my lunch. I don’t require variety (peanut butter and toast every morning) and I don’t require pretty (love brown lentil soup, add greens for my kids) and would happily cook once a week and eat until it’s gone, but my kids would complain. I worry about making food (healthy or not) too much entertainment as opposed to nutrition. We had a discussion two night ago about how getting bored of your food is a luxury very few people in this world have.
Cathy…there is nothing wrong with a thermos of leftovers and a cut up apple, and certainly I didn’t mean to imply that there was. And in no way, as I re-read my post, do I think that I implied that eating is for “entertainment” — that’s why, if you notice, I tend NOT to employ much in the way of cookie cutters and “cute food” techniques, and I’m certainly not all about making things “difficult” for parents. My main complaint with many lunchbox blogs is that they ARE very difficult and complicate nutritious food by cutting it into precious shapes and making it look like panda bears.
I think you’re reading something into my commentary that isn’t there, frankly. You may think there’s nothing wrong with eating brown lentil soup every day, but I actually don’t know if I agree — variety doesn’t have to mean seventeen different foods a day, but neither is it fully nutritious, especially for young children, to feed them the same item meal after meal, and it doesn’t do much in the way of exposing them to new foods; if you notice, that’s sort of my point in this post. Having colors, flavors, and textures that vary from time to time in a lunchbox does not mean you have to make panda bears and seaweed and dragonfruit balloons, and how hard is it to put in some grape tomatoes instead of carrots for a change? I’ve never once said lunch should be either complicated or difficult, nor that it should be there to entertain children instead of nourish them, but quite honestly — kids eat with their eyes first. A decent-looking lunchbox that’s different on occasion may be better for the average kindergartener’s lifelong eating habits than a thermos of brown lentil soup day after day after day. Boredom with food IS a nice first-world luxury, but epic boredom with lunch among kids is something that also isn’t NECESSARY. I don’t understand why you’d think it has to be an either/or proposition.