Tag: Pak Express Farm

Last night, things in our house went just about the same way they always do on a hectic weeknight.  Nearly-4-year-old L. perched on a bar stool in the kitchen, helping me knead, stretch, and pound balls of pizza dough into

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4-year-olds have a funny way of taking over and upsetting any “plans” you think you’ve made.  In this case, my 4-year-old son, L., received last night’s “Crockpot Chicken Curry Thing” experiment with a sort of lukewarm skepticism.  For the record,

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I’ll just say it up-front, so you know what to expect: I’m a neurotic, hyperorganized geek when it comes to planning what, where, when, and how my family is going to eat. No, seriously.  The Gourmet Geekfest ensues about once

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